"Have you thought about writing your family history, but found yourself stuck from the start? Writing a family narrative can be a daunting task, but Karen Jones Gowen found a way to bring her mother's story to life." (Homespun Magazine)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Frugal Christmas Tree

Last year we topped off a pair of huge, outrageously growing pine trees in front of our house. They literally block the entire front porch. The plan is to cut them down eventually, as they were meant to be decorative and have gotten completely out of control. What are they feeding on anyway?

Anyway, one of the tops made a pretty awesome Christmas tree. This year we cut down a spreading branch that is the size of a tree with a trunk that fit nicely in our tree stand. (I know this all sounds bizarre, and I really need photos to show you, but maybe later, since I'm unable to put anything new on my computer right now.)

But let it be said, that I love this tree! You can't even tell where it was cut from! It's all set up and decorated in our front hall, smells all piney and fresh, and looks amazing. When I see artificial trees all decorated in the stores selling for hundreds of dollars, I come home and happily gaze upon my frugal Christmas tree.


  1. That is so nice! Especially since it came out of your own yard! I'll bet it smells nice...

    I'm not saying it's going to happen for sure, but we're looking at a house in Dammeron Valley. It's on the way from St. George to Zion...

  2. Pat, That is a beautiful area. Any place between St. George and Zion's will be incredible.

  3. Pretty! Never had a 'real' xmas tree and truth be told we probably won't put our fake one up this year... been a very stressful year and now that summer (NZ) is here it's nice to start to relax :)

    BirthRight The Arrival, on Amazon 1.1.2011

  4. Wonderful!!!! What a lovely way to use these trees - or even just the branches of it!! Yay! take care

  5. I am so with you on the plastic trees they irk me, I am not putting up a tree this year but next year I plan to get a teeny real one.

  6. Frugal Christmas Trees are the best.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It must be nice having a real tree! Ours has been artificial for the past 8 or 9 years.

  9. I miss having a real tree. I do usually go pick some boughs and make a wreath! There is something magical about the scent(it reminds me of home)!

    Sounds wonderful! We are putting ours up tomorrow.

  10. That sounds absolutely lovely. :)


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