"Have you thought about writing your family history, but found yourself stuck from the start? Writing a family narrative can be a daunting task, but Karen Jones Gowen found a way to bring her mother's story to life." (Homespun Magazine)

Friday, December 10, 2010

Challenging Myself for 2011

I was recently freed from a responsibility I've had for the past three years that took up a great deal of my time and energy. So I'm feeling somewhat giddy with the freedom. There are three major things I want to take on for 2011:


Of course I'll have to work it into my schedule but I think I can do it! For reading, it will be to read one book a week, or let's round down to 50 books for the year.  I'll count them down on my blog and let you know what I'm reading. (Reviews as always will show up on Goodreads.) For writing, it will be to write every day for a minimum one hour. And not journaling or blogging but real, creative, writing. The hard stuff. The stuff that books are made of. I have never done this. It's about time I set this challenge and do it. Walking is easy, since I already have started but I want to keep it up. Walk 30 minutes a day. (I'll let you know if I'm losing any weight!)

So there you go, my challenges for 2011. Not New Year's resolutions, because I never keep those. These are challenges. With no excuses allowed. I'm going to start practicing from now until January 1st, to see how it will all work into my schedule. Maybe clean my closets ahead of time to feel organized, then I'll be ready to go! What new challenges do you want to take on for the new year?


  1. You can do it KarenG!
    I will be glad to cheer you on the sides

  2. Oh wow!! I am in awe!! And you can so do all these too cos you are one Xena warrior woman!!!! Yay for you!!!

    I'll have to think very carefully for my challenges cos darn it you have so inspired me!! So once I set them in stone I must follow through too!! Ooh I sense a challenge for me in my preceding sentence! Yikes!! Take care

  3. Karen, i try to do a minimum 30 minutes walking a day and like you I would love to sit down and write, real writing as you say. I am going to start by plugging out all internet and then treat myself to coffee break blogging. If I waited till after clearing out my wardrobe, I'd have to wait till 2012
    Best of luck with your challenges.

  4. Those are all great challenges. You go! :)

  5. Karen, I love your list and think I will adopt it. Instead of walking, for me it's going to the gym, but 50 books a year (I think I'm close to that but never count) and one hour serious writing a day -- love it!

  6. Colette, Okay we're in girlfriend! It's going to take me a few weeks to gear up. I've been practicing.

    Linda & Gail, thanks for cheering me on!

    Brigid, I'm sure I won't really clean out the closets, but I SHOULD. I'll save that for later, maybe the year after.

    Kitty, Well once you get them listed let me know! We can cheer each other on.

    Joanna, thank you!

  7. Susan, thanks for visiting & commenting! This is why I love blogging, because we all can inspire each other.


  8. I want to do that, too. But I'll change walking to any kind of exercise (walking, dancing, swimming, ...). ~Miriam

  9. I like your goals. I think I share exactly the same ones for 2011. We can keep each other going.

  10. You go girl!

    I will share your challenges, but modify them slightly.
    1) Reading 50 books. How about 'reading 50 non-Star Trek books' (my vocabulary is starting to get tunnel vision)? and I will be interested to see what you are reading, so I know where to go...
    2) Writing every day for at least an hour. How about: 'Writing family history book every day'?
    3) Walk 30 minutes a day. How about: '3 times a week'?


I don't post very often, but if you leave a comment I'll know someone is out there reading. And then I will post more! Bwa ha ha!