"Have you thought about writing your family history, but found yourself stuck from the start? Writing a family narrative can be a daunting task, but Karen Jones Gowen found a way to bring her mother's story to life." (Homespun Magazine)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Goodbye Summer. I will miss you.

We turned on our furnace yesterday, so it's official. Summer is over. Even though the lawn is still very green and lush, when the leaves turn colors and fall off, it can't be denied. End of summer.

Some years I am so sick and tired of summer that I'm thrilled to see it end, but not this year. Spring was cool and wet, and by June I wanted it to be hot, hot, hot. I love the dry oven heat of Utah--90 degrees is perfect summer weather here. So July and August were great. Now it's cold again, and I'm sad.

Goodbye garden. Goodbye my hungry pond fish with your busy lives--soon you'll be still at the deepest corner of the pond, waiting out winter. Goodbye my flower beds that I ignored all season, too late now. Goodbye afternoon read-ins under the fan in the living room.Goodbye falling asleep at night to crickets chirping. Goodbye to the smell of fresh-mowed grass. Goodbye grass.

Goodbye, Summer. I will miss you. And it will be so long before you come round again. Sigh.


  1. I miss summer too!!! But I comfort myself that it's nearly christmas! LOL!

    The great thing is that these goodbyes are temporary! Yay! Take care

  2. Hello curling up by the fireplace with a book, a cuppa hit chocolate spiced with cinnamon sprinkles. despite the allergies I get Autumn is the best time of the year for me.

  3. I might miss summer a little bit, but since fall is my favorite season...not too much. :)

  4. YOU could write a poem with this an "Ode to Summer"~ I will feel this way, when Fall ends, but Fall in the south, is my New England summer.
    I love the easy, breezy days, 70's and can be outside with no humidity~ or Low humidity!
    Sad for you~


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