"Have you thought about writing your family history, but found yourself stuck from the start? Writing a family narrative can be a daunting task, but Karen Jones Gowen found a way to bring her mother's story to life." (Homespun Magazine)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I am transitioning this blog into my author website. I appreciate everyone who has followed and commented and supported me here, and I do hope you will visit me at the new website, karenjonesgowen.com. 

I'll continue blogging at Coming Down the Mountain about writing, editing and publishing issues, that won't change.

Thank you to everyone who voted on my picture, you'll see the one I chose at my new website! (P.S. To those who said #1 and #4 were the same-- you know who you are-- you were right.)


  1. Very cool. I think you're making a smart decision--because there are readers who want short posts so they can visit as many blogs at once, but there are also readers who want more in-depth places where they can read another's thoughts and then have a conversation in the comments. Good luck! :)

  2. Oh noes! You mean this blog will disappear??? Awwww!

    But it'll rise like the phoenix into your new page - hooorah! So off I go to sign up!! Yay! Take care

  3. Smart move. You know how I feel about spreading yourself too thin...

  4. Nice. You chose wordpress for the new website? How do you like it?

  5. Colette, At first I was frustrated, couldn't figure out anything as it was all so different from Blogger! But my friend helped me and when it all came together I was in love!

  6. I know you felt the difference between the two blogs. I hope a few weeks in that it's been better for you.


I don't post very often, but if you leave a comment I'll know someone is out there reading. And then I will post more! Bwa ha ha!