"Have you thought about writing your family history, but found yourself stuck from the start? Writing a family narrative can be a daunting task, but Karen Jones Gowen found a way to bring her mother's story to life." (Homespun Magazine)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Goal-setting and Goal-keeping

Nearing the half-way point of the year, how many of you like to review where you are on goals? Like the ones set on New Year's Day? I'm an obsessive goal-setter. It's like if I write it down, I'm half-way there.

Today I looked at my New Year's Resolutions and decided to chuck the whole lot. Because they just make me feel bad about myself. I did read the 50 books. I read them all in about three months time. The writing and the walking resolutions? Don't even ask!

But, in my defense, Universe, in case you are listening and keeping score: my mom died, my husband and I had a major move from our home of 13 years, uh...uh...uh....excuses?....excuses?.....Okay, those are the only two big events, but they work, I think, as pretty good excuses reasons to get stalled.

Okay, now it's time to move on and set some new goals, because today is the first day of the rest of my life!


  1. Oooh, I don't even try to make New Year's Resolutions anymore. I've never been any good at them.

  2. Paul, A lot of people have said this. But I just can't help myself! I am an obsessive goal-setter/goal-breaker.

  3. You can't write when you've had a trauma like that. As you know I've also lost my mum this year and I've just accepted that writing has taken a back seat. We shouldn't expect so much of ourselves. At least we're both still blogging... and I've given up on making New Year resolutions too. It's only another day after all, a man-made division. Hope you're settling in to your new home.

  4. Yay for having flexible goals!! It's a new season - so why not!! I think reading 50 books in three months is AWE-inspiring!!! Yay!! Take care

  5. OMG, you read 50 books??? That's a lot! I think that considering your mom's passing and a move (two of the top 5 life stressors at once, you need to cut yourself some slack! I lost my mom too this year, and I have to remember that it's okay to honor a time-out for a very good reason. I lost myself in some books over the month after she passed, and that was very soothing and therapeutic.I think you should give yourself extra credit on the things you HAVE done. Hugs!

  6. I've heard that we can accomplish less than we think in the short term and more in the long term. As long as you are moving in the right direction towards your long term goals, call it a success!

  7. Give yourself a break, Karen! You've had a lot going on, and I think you should take it easy on yourself!

  8. I stopped setting clear cut goals because I always ended up cataloging myself as a failure. Now my goals are not so defined -- but are simply goals of direction in life.


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