"Have you thought about writing your family history, but found yourself stuck from the start? Writing a family narrative can be a daunting task, but Karen Jones Gowen found a way to bring her mother's story to life." (Homespun Magazine)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


For a long time I've considered doing a blog about writing one's story, writing from your life, because that's what I did with both Farm Girl and Uncut Diamonds. Many of those who read Farm Girl used it as inspiration for writing their own stories. All the time I heard, "You should share your insights with others. So many people want to do what you did." I avoided it for a long time, because I wanted the book to stand on its own as a literary work, not just as a personal history work.

Okay, now I'm ready. Farm Girl has (sort of) stood on its own as a literary work, receiving numerous positive media reviews and having sold over 2000 copies through bookstores and direct sales. Not a bestseller by any means, but hey I'll take it!

This blog is for those interested in writing from life, or to write their own history. Not necessarily writers, although I believe one's own story can be a basis for literature. Hopefully I can share what I've learned through my experience. Bear with me while I get this blog site up and running and looking attractive.